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    VIP VoxPop

    Exercise Your Independence by Answering for Yourself the Following Question:


               "What does independence mean to me?" 

    I am autistic and a self-advocate. I am also the co-founder of the Verge of Independence Project and its autism ambassador. For me, independence means, having the freedom to discover and embrace my different abilities.                                                                       

    My interests are listening to all kinds of good music, playing musical instruments, swimming, skating, bowling, golfing, traveling, being around trees, attending; concerts, performances, and sporting events, exploring jobs, spending time with my family   and friends, and learning and participating in the voting process."


    Verge of Independence Project/VIP was created for autistic young adults to have the freedom to express themselves. So, check out The VIP VoxPop, where you can hear and share your thoughts on living and leading as an autistic individual. 

    Hi, my name is Branford...

    The Vip Blog

    "Don't Cut Corners...Unless It's Cake" Blog Series


    Presented by VIP Blogger Melissa Lushington 

    Hi, VIPers!

    Welcome to the "Don't Cut Corners...Unless It's Cake" Blog! On the first  Wednesday of each month, you can look forward to receiving news and information along with a sweet slice of wisdom that speaks to autistic adults and to those who support them."

    Put Your John Hancock on the Virtual Verge of Independence Project Declaration, and sign up to get your VIP e-Newsletter!!


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    Vip zone & Podcast

    Produced by the Verge of Independence Project Team

    The Inaugural   

    VIP Zone Podcast




    Once entering the zone, you’ll be able to focus on empowering platforms that supports and leads to gaining independence.


    We want to keep you charged up by presenting encouraging web and podcast interviews!


    Take a listen to our kick-off interview with              Kevin "Katalyst" Carroll, bestselling author of "Rules of the Red Rubber Ball!"





    Verge of Independence Project

    is a proud recipient of the 

    Philadelphia Autism Project Seed Award







    The Verge of Independence Project has used the funding to create virtual and in-person workshops on various topics for young adults on the spectrum. Some topics include social integration, public speaking/advocacy, financial literacy, and civic engagement.

     To learn more about the seed awards, please visit

    (click on) The Book Cover to read the VIP blog article on the author

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    © 2022-2024 This website version is a Verge of Independence Project, Inc. creative collaboration with Bree Brown.  

    Verge of Independence Project, Inc. launched its pioneering website in 2011 under the web design leadership of Loebig Ink, LLC.

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